Activity 3: Color Blindness Simulation

Web designers need to be careful because a certain percentage of the population has color blindness. Use the Coblis simulator to see how an image that you upload looks with various forms of color blindness.‐color‐blindness‐simulator/

Write a paragraph describing what you find and the implications this might have for web designers.

While the Coblis — Color Blindness Simulator offers an interesting insight into how images appear differently depending on if you are colour blind or not, I am afraid that the simulator is of little help to a web developer. I am sure that how the images are rendered is not a hundred percent accurate. As can be seen by many of the comments left on the site, I am not alone in that opinion.

Additionally, I had a few problems with the interface such as the small file size limit for images (under 600k), JavaScript issues where there were problems getting selections to take etc.

While allowing for colour blindness is a consideration web developers should make, I am sure it would be much more effective with an improved interface and capabilities.

(Just for fun – try out Tiny Eyes which simulates what images to look like for infants at various stages up to 6 months  )
Once again, this was an interesting insight but not necessarily something that would be of any concern to a web developer. Likewise the biggest problem with this web-based application is the poor interface design and bugs within the system when doing repeat testing. Again, I can see little real world use for the simulation with regards developing a web site. Baby’s are not really my target audience.