Activity 2: High fidelity prototype

I have developed a high fidelity prototype for the UWSMUG site that is both a ‘broad’ and ‘deep’ high fidelity prototype.

The UWSMUG site is broad in terms of the number of features it presents and the way it provides an overview of the sites ‘look’. The UWSMUG site is also deep in so much as it presents features whose functionality is fully developed.

You can visit the UWSMUG site at
Some of the features include:

MooTools Menus: Use of a modern JavaScript library to produce cross browser compatible, CSS controllable, multi-level menus

Search Engine: All content on the site is searchable

Online Editing: Ability to create and edit content online without the need for users to know HTML

Polls: Polls can be created in the back end and published. Results are updated live and also displayed.

Output Options: At a click of a button it is easy to print an article, save it as a PDF or email it to a friend. Alternatively subscribe to an RSS Feed in your favorite newsreader

Forums: Integrated Forums for members of UWSMUG

Low fidelity prototypes | High fidelity prototype